HomeClimate ChangeStrange Happenings at COP28

Strange Happenings at COP28

The Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is a beacon of global cooperation, where world leaders unite to confront the pressing issue of climate change. This year, COP28 unfolded its chapters in the vibrant city of Dubai, nestled in the United Arab Emirates, renowned for its awe-inspiring skyline, captivating tourist attractions, lively nightlife, pristine beaches, and sun-soaked days from November 30 to December 12 2023.

Dubai’s allure, however, seemed to draw more attention than the climate summit itself. The UN, for the first time, unveiled the roster of participants, revealing a staggering:

14,339 delegates from NGOs

A formidable force, indeed.

The beaches of Dubai, bathed in golden sunlight, hosted a sea of delegates, while the COP site stood strangely vacant. It was an unexpected spectacle, prompting a reflection on the purpose of many NGOs (no profit).

Perhaps, before contributing your hard-earned money to NGOs dedicated to environmental causes, a prudent check of the COP delegates list would be advisable.

A riveting revelation surfaced courtesy of Aisland News, exposing a couple of fake NGOs that had infiltrated no-profit sector.
– ClimateChangeNews (read the article)
– SourceMaterial (read the article)
These entities were not the eco-warriors they claimed to be; instead, they were tools used to target forest protection projects that could damage the interest of a timber investor. One such revelation implicated a prominent figure in the timber industry, the world-renowned investor Mr. Jeremy Grantham, operating incognito under the alias “Lumberjack.”(click to read the article)

These instances shed light on a darker no-profit underbelly, revealing that not all NGOS are genuine advocates for climate action. Instead, some had ulterior motives, exploiting the platform for personal gain. The unnerving reality is that these cases may not be isolated; a more thorough examination of NGOs may be necessary to ensure the integrity of the whole no-profit sector.

How can we discern the true champions of environmental change from those seeking personal interests? As the world grapples with the urgency of climate action, it becomes increasingly crucial to scrutinize the authenticity of those entrusted with shaping our sustainable future.

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