HomeClimate ChangeSource-material.org on the Payroll of the World Prominent Timber Investor

Source-material.org on the Payroll of the World Prominent Timber Investor

Our recent article have shed light on a deception web orchestrated by Jeremy Grantham, positioning him as a major player in the timber industry with a vested interest in undermining forest protection initiatives.
Aisland News has identified a group associated with Jeremy Grantham, operating under the pseudonym source-material.org, responsible for disseminating fake information that targets forest protection projects.

This group claims to conduct investigations that have been cited by reputable news outlets and boasts an extensive list of partnerships:

The connection to Jeremy Grantham is explicitly stated on the “About Us” page of their official website.

Additionally, the Meliore Foundation acknowledges Grantham Foundation as one of its donors, further intertwining the web of affiliations:

Source-material.org frequently targets forest protection projects and carbon credit registries through articles such as

“The Carbon Con”,

“Scramble for Africa”

“Congo off-settings project”

All projects that will jeopardise the never ending list of investments in the timber industry of Jeremy Grantham:

“Strategy Timber Trust, Gmo Bt Fund Lp , Gmo Farm Land Optimization Fund Lp , Gmo Forestry Fund 7 International Lp , Gmo Forestry Fund 7 A Lp , Gmo Forestry Fund 7 B Lp , Gmo Forestry Fund 8 A Lp , Gmo Forestry Fund 8 B Lp , Gmo Forestry Fund 9 Lp , Gmo Long Horizons Forestry Fund A Lp , Gmo Long Horizons Forestry Fund B Lp , Gmo Quokka Lp , Gmo Threshold Timber Corporation , Gmo Threshold Timber Corporation Michigan , Gmo Threshold Timber Lp , Qic Strategy Timber No 1 Limited”. Below one of the company of the portfolio:

A significant revelation is that the alleged NGO Source Material was officially dissolved in 2020. Despite our attempts to reach out for clarification, source-material.org remains unresponsive. However, we did receive read receipts, indicating activity on their end.

The investigation identified some individuals working for the fake NGO Source-Material.org:

Leigh Baldwin

Leigh Baldwin is the editor of SourceMaterial. He previously worked as an investigative journalist for Global Witness and as a reporter for Bloomberg News”

But there are no traces of articles with his name, neither for Bloomberg News or any other.
He has no facebook/linkedin profiles, very unusual for a journalist, and the X account, is only the one for source-material. It’s most probably a fake identity.

Marcus Leroux

Marcus Leroux joined SourceMaterial at its launch from The Times, where he covered Brexit, business and the natural resources industry.”

Again, no traces of articles with his name.
He has no facebook/linkedin profiles, and the X account is only the one for source-material. It’s most probably a fake identity.

Luke Barratt

Luke Barratt joined SourceMaterial in 2020 from Unearthed, where he published investigations on climate change and the environment.”

He present himself with a bombastic “investigative journalist”, and he worked at Greenpeace in the same role of shit-thrower against carbon off-settings projects, a junior writer ready to spit any false statement that he is requested to. Funny how he is working for the trees-cutter Jeremy Grantham now 🙂

Further scrutiny is required to understand the verification processes employed by prominent news outlets that have cited source-material.org’s fake content.

In our ongoing investigation, we plan to delve into other subjects connected to this network, including:
Clément Bonnerot’s association with Le Monde
Patrick Greenfield’s insider role at The Guardian.(Article Published)

Update: 2023-12-10
Deception inside “The Guardian” – Patrick Greenfield

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