We translate from the Italian newspaper informarezzo.com the following article on Lorenzo Tondo, one of the shit-throwers of The Guardian, producer of fake news on the climate changes with Patrick Greenfield and Angela Giuffrida.

“Fake unkempt salt and pepper beard, rebellious quiff and a nice look complete with a rebellious earring, because it makes you look cooler that way.

It is the portrait of Lorenzo Tondo, born in 1982, a Sicilian born and raised in Sciacca, married and father of two young children, since 2018 a correspondent for the Guardian, an English newspaper for which he mainly writes about immigration, his specialty, even if not he disdains posing on social media with his helmet and helmet. The portrait of the typical journalist of the left “I know everything and you are not a c…” who pontificates one way in the usual circle of provincial journalism festivals, unknown prizes and mutual recognition. In short, of those who play it and sing it.

An all-out defense of the migratory flow towards Europe proposed by Tondo relentlessly over the last eight years and with a single objective: to promote and defend illegal immigration, at any cost. Even that, very high, represented by the over 28 thousand migrants who died in the Mediterranean from 2014 to today, of which over 76% on the Italian route. More than 2 thousand from 1 January to 20 September 2023.

Migrants dead on the beach of Lampedusa

An incessant production, with dozens and dozens of articles. An immoral defense, pen in hand, in favor of murderous smugglers responsible for this traffic of death from one coast to the other of the Mediterranean Sea. An activity in support of illegal immigration for which he was sent to trial for having hindered and diverted the investigations into human trafficking conducted by the Palermo prosecutor’s office.

Between December 2019 and January 2020, the then public prosecutor, Calogero Ferrara, who has now become a delegated prosecutor in the new “European Prosecutor’s Office”, filed two complaints for defamation against Tondo.

Calogero Ferrara is not just any judge. He has been serving as Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic of Palermo since 2000. He is a member of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate and of the Specialized Groups on terrorism, human trafficking and smuggling and for the application of prevention measures. He worked as a Trial Attorney (from 2007 to 2009) at the International War Crimes Tribunal in the former Yugoslavia, and as a War Crime Prosecutor in Kosovo in the UNMIK mission. He has been a speaker in training courses for magistrates, jurists, members of the police forces both in Italy and abroad, nominated by various national and international institutions (Higher Council of the Judiciary, European Union, European Training Judicial Network, International Organization for Migrants, University of Coventry, University of Cambridge, Eupol, OSCE, Eurojust, Chinese National School for Prosecutors, Council of Europe, European Commission, CEPOL, to name the most relevant). Appointed legal expert several times in international cooperation projects (TAIEX or TWINNING). He was invited by the US Department of State to participate in the International Visitor Leadership Program on the topic “Combating trafficking in persons: a multiregional Project”.

The investigation that led to the complaints against Tondo began in 2016 with the arrest of Medhanie Tesfamariam Behre. It was May 24, 2016, when the Sudanese police arrested him in Khartoum, in collaboration with the English National Crime Agency. The man, an Eritrean citizen, is accused of a very serious crime: human trafficking. The evidence in the hands of the prosecution, telephone interceptions and direct testimonies accuse him of leading an organization based in Libya that managed the trafficking of Eritrean migrants to Europe. Medhanie Tesfamariam Behre, despite the battalion of journalists deployed by Lorenzo Tondo to reduce his role, was sentenced to 5 years and 100 thousand euros in fine, a sentence confirmed in full on appeal in 2022, for aiding and abetting illegal immigration. However, the hype from the friendly press will allow him to obtain political asylum in Italy and a UNHCR passport as a refugee, of which he will say he is “very happy”.

But who represents and above all who finances Lorenzo Tondo? Tondo, accused in two criminal proceedings for having hindered investigations into death traffickers, is the man of Giorgio Soros, the American tycoon of Hungarian origin who “pays for the invasion of Europe”. The man who has been funding NGOs for years to create a fleet of ships to “save” migrants with investments intended to counter European immigration policies and put the sovereignty of Italy and other nations at risk. It is therefore no coincidence that the legal expenses incurred by Lorenzo Tondo in the trial in which he is accused are supported by Media Defence, a charity under English law whose major financiers include Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

Lorenzo Tondo is not the only journalist at the service of this system built to protect illegal immigration, over 100 thousand landings in the last year, and of the billions that revolve around it through the reception centers managed by left-wing cooperatives . An army of fake news producers in support of the narrative wanted by Soros uses the pen every day to defend nebulous interests and worthy of in-depth analysis.”

Update of 2023-12-06: The shit-throwers work as a pack of hyenas, the fake journalist Matteo Civillini, wrote an article to protect the accused Lorenzo Tondo.

Update 2023-12-28: Lorenzo Tondo is on the “bad” news in Italy accused of human trafficking in 2 different trials in his native Italy.


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