HomeClimate ChangeAngela Giuffrida - The Illegal Correspondent of The Guardian

Angela Giuffrida – The Illegal Correspondent of The Guardian

The issue of fake journalists has become a serious problem in modern society, undermining the integrity of the news industry. Accredited journalists are typically bound by a strict code of conduct, designed to uphold the truth and reliability of the information they provide. Unfortunately, the rise of fake journalists, often hired by unscrupulous individuals with the intent to spread misinformation and harm competitors, has cast a shadow over genuine journalism.

In recent investigations, we have shed light on cases where established news outlets, such as “The Guardian,” have fallen victim to infiltration by fake journalists. One notable instance was the exposure of Patrick Greenfield’s involvement with The Guardian, revealing the insidious spread of misinformation within reputable publications.

Our latest revelation brings to light another case involving a fake journalist associated with “The Guardian” — Mrs. Angela Giuffrida, who claims to have been a journalist for the publication since 2018 in Rome, Italy.

(from Linkedin profile)

It is imperative to note that any journalist working in Italy is required to be accredited by the Journalist Association (Ordine dei Giornalisti). While foreign journalists have a relatively straightforward accreditation process mandated by law (Art. 28 Law 69/1983), Mrs. Angela Giuffrida has never obtained the necessary accreditation, despite working in Italy for the past five years.

This raises serious legal concerns, as Mrs. Giuffrida is essentially committing two criminal offenses: “Art. 498 of the Penal Code – usurpation of titles and honors” and “Art. 348 – Illegal exercise of a profession,” which carry penalties of up to five years in jail.

Upon questioning Mrs. Giuffrida about her lack of accreditation, especially given her dual Italian and British nationality, we discovered that she skirted the issue and avoided responding to queries about her tax status in Italy. This evasion further complicates her situation and raises questions about potential tax-related motivations for avoiding accreditation.

Ironically, Mrs. Giuffrida, the fake journalist, frequently covers topics related to illegal immigration in Italy, echoing the work of her colleague Lorenzo Tondo at “The Guardian.” It is worth noting that Lorenzo Tondo himself faces accusations in two trials for human trafficking, potentially risking 20 years of imprisonment.

Angela Giuffrida Fake Journalist
Angela Giuffrida Fake Journalist

We have brought these serious situations to the attention of “The Guardian,” notifying them not only about Mr. Lorenzo Tondo’s legal troubles but also about the illegal activities of Mrs. Angela Giuffrida. The ball is now in their court, and the public eagerly awaits their response to these concerning revelations within their ranks.


  1. […] Una parte del giornalismo internazionale e’ a libro paga della narrazione indotta su clima, pandemia, pensiero unico. Questo giornalismo si avvale di “soldatini” schierati come un plotone di esecuzione contro chiunque provi a proporre un pensiero alternativo a quello dominante. Come Angela Giuffrida, la “falsa giornalista italiana” del The Guardian. Di seguito l’articolo pubblicato su Aisland News. […]

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