HomeSeasteadingSamuele Landi, the visionary who wants to build a floating city

Samuele Landi, the visionary who wants to build a floating city

This is the translated title of the newspaper “” from the city of origin of our co-founder. And here the translated article, the most lovely part is the photo with the female cat Kalu:

A floating city, on the water, a community of individuals free from conventional patterns determined to live outside the matrix. We are talking about Aisland, a floating city born from the visionary mind of an Arezzo man, Samuele Landi, an entrepreneur described by those who know him closely as “a precursor of his times, at least by ten years”. A futuristic project, a sort of Paradesha, the paradise for Hindus, where they live with mutual respect. A world no longer backwards, like the one described by General Vannacci in his much discussed book but equally, if not more, appreciated as demonstrated by the over 200 thousand copies sold. Aisland Floating City is a floating community that at full capacity will be able to accommodate up to 5 thousand people, with homes, shops and technological laboratories arranged on twenty floating platforms in international waters. An area of 180 thousand square meters for those who want to live and work “off the grid”, for a better quality of life and away from the pollution of metropolitan cities. A completely green and eco-sustainable floating city thanks to innovative uses of existing technology and the wise use of natural resources.

“We want to create a new way of life for future generations – declares Samuele Landi – far from the impositions of autocratic governments that are only attentive to exploiting the work of individuals in order to collect taxes and duties intended to fatten the state apparatus, which has become a pachyderm shapeless and useless.” A true paradise, without taxes and health requirements, exploitation of work and abuse of individual freedoms in the name of lockdowns and vaccination obligations. Aisland Floating City is a project of the Seasteading community, a new way of self-sufficient living that is increasingly spreading and which expresses the concept of permanent homes at sea, called seasteads, outside the territories claimed by governments and nations existing. A step forward towards freedom, perhaps utopian but from today a little more concrete.

Samuele Landi and the cat Kalu

Samuele Landi was born in Arezzo in 1965. In his youth he achieved important sporting goals. In the eighties he was the Italian Enduro champion. In the nineties he took part on his motorbike in five editions of the Paris Dakar, the legendary desert race, together with his friend Fabrizio Meoni. The bond with the African continent has always been very close, as is the love for its people and the desire to improve their conditions. This is how at the beginning of the 2000s, after meeting Dr. Laura Perna, Landi built a hospital in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Kimbondo was born and in a few years, thanks to the financial support of Landi, it became an increasingly larger reality and a completely free point of reference for the local population, especially the younger ones, the orphans, who in Kimbondo will find accommodation and hot meals , a school and professional laboratories. Samuele Landi is the founder of Eutelia Spa, a company born in a garage, which in 2009 became the fourth national telephone operator with a turnover of almost one billion euros and over 2 thousand employees. A company that incorporates the main Italian fiber optic backbone, thousands of kilometers that cross the territory from north to south and over which government communications travel. A tasty morsel for the powers that be, in that case Silvio Berlusconi, who in 2010 as prime minister signed the decree placing Eutelia under commissionership. A state theft for which the government commissioners appointed by Berlusconi, Daniela Saitta, Gianluca Vidal and Francesca Pace and the former chief prosecutor of Arezzo Roberto Rossi are under investigation for corruption.

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