HomeSeasteadingFloating Cities: A Libertarian Solution to End Wars

Floating Cities: A Libertarian Solution to End Wars

In a world characterized by conflict and territorial disputes, where wars are fought over coveted pieces of land, an innovative and libertarian idea has emerged as a potential solution. With approximately 70% of the Earth’s surface covered in water, vast expanses of the globe remain unclaimed by any nation. This untapped resource has sparked the concept of creating floating cities, envisioned as havens for hundreds of thousands of displaced people seeking refuge while living according to their own rules.

The Libertarian Vision:
The driving force behind this vision is rooted in libertarian principles, emphasizing individual freedom and limited government intervention. The proposal involves the construction of floating cities in international waters, providing a unique opportunity to establish societies that operate independently from existing nation-states. These cities aim to offer a peaceful coexistence for those displaced by conflicts, allowing them to govern themselves and foster a sense of community. is an example of a seasteading community.

Economic Considerations:
One key aspect of this ambitious plan is the economic feasibility of constructing these floating cities. The proposal suggests the use of connected large barges with expansive deck spaces, roughly half a hectare in size each one. The estimated cost for such a floating structure is around 1.5 million USD. Notably, this cost is comparable to the price of a single cruise missile, a stark reminder of the immense financial resources often allocated to destructive capabilities in times of war.

Floating Cities as a Peaceful Solution:
The proponents of this idea argue that investing in the construction of floating cities is a small price to pay compared to the economic and human costs associated with armed conflicts. By creating these self-governing communities in international waters, the hope is to provide a peaceful alternative for displaced populations, avoiding the cycle of violence and instability that often accompanies land disputes.

In a world grappling with the consequences of territorial disputes and armed conflicts, the idea of creating floating cities offers a novel approach rooted in libertarian ideals. By utilizing the vast expanses of unclaimed international waters, these floating communities aim to provide displaced people with a chance to live peacefully according to their own rules. While facing practical challenges and potential criticisms, the proposal sparks a conversation about alternative solutions to global issues and the pursuit of a more peaceful world.

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