HomeTechAisland Docsig - New Features

Aisland Docsig – New Features

Aisland DocSig is an innovative open-source platform that enables electronic signature and documents exchange using the security of any Substrate blockchain like Aisland-Blockchain.

It was previously announced on 1st September 2023.

Today we are excited to introduce a bunch of new features:

  1. PDF – It’s possible to export the document in pdf format and QR code for verification of the signed contract.
  2. Link Sharing – You can share the signing link by Email,Telegram,Matrix and Whatsapp in one single click.
  3. Multiple Counterparties – You can have more than 2 signatories in any document.
  4. Private Templates – In addition to the public templates, you can add your private one.

DocSig is based on the Substrate blockchain technology: https://substrate.dev

Actually, available on  testnet.aisland.io, you are invited try and send us your valuable feedback:

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